How To Start Storage Container SIDE HUSTLE

Self-storage facilities are gaining popularity. Self-storage is a good way to make money by Container side hustle. In addition, individuals who sell online, such as on eBay, are increasingly storing their goods in shipping containers.

We offer some ideas, tips, and secrets in this post that we’ve learned over the years while dealing with various self-storage businesses. Therefore, if you consider starting your own container self-storage company utilizing shipping containers, please continue reading!

1. If you own property, self-storage is an excellent investment

Based on current expenses and rental rates, we estimate that purchasing a new 20ft shipping container and having it delivered to your location would cost you the first two years’ rental revenue, after which the container will almost entirely generate profit for the next 10-20 years of its life. Additionally, towards the end of its useful life, this container may be worth about half of its original price if resold.

Shipping container costs fluctuate over time, so this is a generalization, and we cannot promise that this is the case for every client. Self-storage is a good way to make money by Container side hustle.

While some customers come and go, most of our clients say that once their self-storage facility is established, they have never suffered a significant drop in business since new customers quickly replace those who discontinue use.

2. Select your location wisely and do some research on the competitors

It is critical to choose a site with a high volume of passing commerce. Prominent locations, for instance, may help you market your company more effectively without spending a lot on advertising.

Take a look at the competition in your neighborhood. Where else may residents keep their belongings in your community? Are there any additional container self-storage operations? What do they charge? Is your location more accessible, visible, or handy for the local populace? If this is the case, you’re probably onto a winner! By research on competitors, anyone can make money easily through Container side hustle.

Additionally, consider who will be using your facilities. For instance, locations with a high concentration of newly constructed homes are often an excellent option since new homeowners may require extra storage space. On the other hand, if you are located near a significant number of small industrial units or offices, you may find that most of your clients come from these places. Therefore, spend some time determining who your prospective clients are in your region.

3. Utilize brand-new (one-way) shipping container Side Hustle

By using one-way shipping containers constructed of Corten steel, you can guarantee that your product will endure for 10-20 years with little maintenance. In addition, using new containers gives your facility a pleasant clean look – critical to avoid alienating a significant segment of your prospective customers who like a neat yard. It’s also worth noting that additional financing containers may be much simpler if your company is already established. Utilizing the new shipping containers, anyone can make money through Container side hustle.

You may also be interested in a previous post on selecting a new, used, or refurbished shipping container for storage purposes.

4. Stick to a single reputable source and product line

There are many 20ft shipping container ranges; thus, we highly recommend sticking to a single type for the cleanest look. This way, when you buy your second or third batch of containers in the future, you’ll know they’ll all be the same shade of green or blue, have the same number of vents in the exact locations, and so on. Through Container side hustle, money can be make easily by sticking to product line.

Note: When you deal with us, we make every effort to understand what you’re receiving, how often the stock is refreshed, and how competitive a specific manufacturer is over time. When a supplier is temporarily out of stock or experiencing delivery difficulties, few other dealers have the flexibility to bring in replacements from other sources with a similar finish.

5. Invest in high-quality container padlocks

Using our padlock range, we may have padlocks individually keyed and numbered as part of a master key system. Once we have a record of your lock and virtual configuration, we may add more individual padlocks at a later date, making it much simpler to purchase additional containers and padlocks as you fill up. Adding numbered keys and the master key system will add about £10 to the price of your padlocks, or roughly 0.05 percent to the cost of your container and padlock, but in the long run, it is certainly worth considering. Invest in padlocks through Container side hustle can help to make money easily.

Certain websites require consumers to provide their locks. This is a viable option for many. However, it’s worth noting that if you need access to your customer’s container for any reason (the police have a warrant?) Additionally, if you do not own the lock, you will cause damage to the container if you need to break the lock and get access to it (or if the client loses their keys) since you will need to cut off the lockbox that protects the padlock from assault.

6. Make rental payments through standing orders or direct debits

Numerous clients inform us that they have customers who never visit their containers or who seldom, if ever, keep anything inside. Many smaller companies may classify container storage as an overhead expense and never examine it again. Many people may never cancel it. Additionally, automatic payments eliminate the need for you to pursue consumers for past-due amounts continually. Making rental payments can help to make money through Container side hustle.

7. Condensation treatment for container should be considered

During this period, the Containers will undoubtedly be more appealing to rent, and you may also be able to charge a bit more for rental if they are utilized. This can make money easily through Container side hustle.

However, we must note that since this treatment traps moisture against the interior of the container roof, it may potentially reduce the container’s overall lifetime; however, proof of this is currently limited. An alternative would be our Absorpoles, which are a more costly long-term solution if this is a problem. The highest quality option is a full plywood lining, although this would substantially increase the cost of any expenditure.

8. Carefully plan the layout of your self-storage facility

We suggest that you create a scale plan of your site and containers and experiment with the optimum layout and use of space for your yard. Then, ascertain that people and cars can enter and exit freely and that you have crammed every available container. This may take some time, but it will likely save you significant time and money in the long run. In certain instances, 20ft and 40ft tunnel containers may be used in any middle strips’ on the site. Through Container side hustle, money can be make easily by planning layout carefully.

9. Maintain a neat and orderly environment for

containers Side Hustle

Many of your prospective consumers may be turned off by an unkempt, filthy, or untidy yard. Maintaining a clean, inviting, and intelligent website will likely attract more consumers in the long term. We recommend concentrating your efforts on the entranceway, any reception area, and any signs.

Maintain a clean, well-painted, and attractive appearance for all of your containers. If you do have any older used containers, keep them hidden at the rear of the yard. You may offer them as a cheap alternative, but the lot’s layout may vary based on the available area, ground rent prices, and local competitors.

10. Consider the floor

The overwhelming majority of shipping containers have a one-inch-thick marine-treated plywood floor. Certain providers apply varnish to the bottom to help preserve it and make it seem more sophisticated, but some self-storage clients have expressed concern that these surfaces scratch easily and that they do not like varnished flooring. Additionally, the container bottom may get discolored over time. With new floor panels costing upwards of £100 + VAT each forum and a minimum of six meetings per container, changing the floor regularly is a costly proposition.

11. Avoid purchasing containers directly from China

While eliminating the middleman may seem like a good idea, when it comes to purchasing shipping containers, the middlemen do the majority of the work sourcing and quality checking the containers to mitigate many risks for you without you having to worry about your investment going astray. Container side hustle can be helpful by avoiding purchase of containers directly from China.

To begin, the manufacturer will need a minimum order of 100 units. You then have approximately a three-month lead time before anything arrives in the United Kingdom. But if your shipment hits problems, there can be significant delays. Do you genuinely know this Chinese organization to which you will be donating a large sum of money? That is the kind of value order in which individuals may easily attempt to deceive you and believe us when we say we see this much too often.

12. Defend Yourself against Scammers

Additionally, several fraudulent websites purport to offer shipping containers. These websites seem to be very professional. Occasionally, we’ve seen that they’ve duplicated trade organization membership logos. And similar elements, they’ve used fictitious addresses, and they’ve often plagiarised content and pictures from other genuine container websites.

13: Make your operation unique

Several concepts that we have seen in action include the following:

Paint your cargo containers a bright, noticeable color to draw attention to your location. And to make yourself appear to passing commerce. This contributes to the development of a strong brand and rapidly establishes your presence in the local community. There must be many causes for Big Yellow Self Storage’s market dominance in the United Kingdom. But this will be one of them! If the operation is unique, it can help to make money through Container side hustle.


Entering the shipping container side hustle market is a no-brainer for any ambitious entrepreneur. To begin, the logistics company offers significant profit potential, since there will always be businesses that need the transportation of a variety of their products across several continents. This enables you to develop a long-term connection with any client.
