Going over some youtube strategies niches, Checking on HIGH CPM YouTube Cash Cow Channel Niche 2021, and some good topics to get into if you are starting youtube in 2021, if you are looking to get into a cash cow type of channel potentially where you’re not really showing your face but you’re putting out that type of content that’s gonna get clicks and have a high CPM for you to be able to cash in on and make a business out of youtube in 2021.
If you are really looking for content and strategies to help grow your youtube channel, today we’re going to be discussing some niches that to me are one of the most up and coming niches out there due to the social media era and I think that this is an underutilized niche.
I really do like it if you can get into this niche with a very clean visual clean aesthetic, I think your CPM is going to be very good and it is a very high CPM, We’re talking about luxury and the lifestyle niche.

As you can see on the image up there, we’re gonna go through three channels that I have pulled up their YouTubes and their social blades as we usually do on the channel. we’re going to go over three examples large medium and small so we can all see that these niches are all scalable and they’re all making cool money, so let’s go ahead and start with this first channel.
1. VYBO HIGH CPM YouTube Cash Cow
Take a look at these videos on SELF DISCIPLINE – The Key To Success, How successful people THINK, How to Program Your Subconscious, Focus on Your Goals. so what do they do good right? they’re selling you something, right. the act of getting money, how to get anything you want in life, their titles are super simple, but you can tell that they’re going to be motivational videos and they’re going to be something to do with luxury lifestyle.
How rich people think like these videos is very good, they use stock footage, it’s a lot of quick clips very quick clips, these are really good videos and they keep the people engaged and they are not getting crazy views. yeah, 18 26 21 22 34 40k but they are getting awesome views, 101k, and so on. so like they do get very good views, but the thing about this is it’s high cpm. so they’re only getting this amount of views and you know they’re only posting let’s say about five-six videos in a month.
VYBO SocialBlade Analysis
The screenshot below was the social blade analysis and they only have 81 uploads. they’ve been a channel for 10 years, uh out of those 82 uploads they’re talking 26 million video views. this is huge. I mean that’s a big that is a big deal.

Estimated monthly earnings are up to four thousand dollars on this channel up to about fifty thousand dollars per year, and this is all estimated most of these are being sold short, I would have to think that this channel is making more than that considering its sub count and the number of views that it is getting.
This channel estimated earnings per day are like 265, So it’s making hundreds of dollars per day in this niche and you know they’re getting 50,000 views a day, they’ve gotten 3k subs in the last three days, this niche is really awesome, and known successful as people seek this type of content out, so remember that what people are looking for is not too complicated to put these types of videos together, and if you want to go in this type of niche, you can check out these channels and see the type of videos and footages they are using.
2. 9 figure life HIGH CPM YouTube Cash Cow
This channel is a very modest-sized channel with 60000 subscribers, their videos are cut to the point of Day In The Billionaire Life of Warren Buffet, 10 Easy Ways To Become Rich With Real Estate, 8 Small Business Ideas ANY Teen Can Start Today in 2021, So you know these are just storyline videos, these are simple videos guys, a lot of these are just clips of the life of a billionaire’s lifestyle motivation and invigilation.

There’s that Instagram story that someone just put into a video right, these are probably just interviews pieced together, this is probably Instagram stories pieced together on this channel and gets crazy crazy views, we’re talking 5 million total views on this channel and I mean on the low scale, they’re making a thousand dollars on this channel you know they’re making a hundred fifty-fifty bucks ninety bucks hundred dollars a day on this channel with 60000 subscribers and this is on like a smaller scale.
9 Figure Life SocialBlade Analysis
So like this channel, this is way off as they’re making more than that, if their estimates are correct with SocialBlade analysis. if their yearly earnings are a thousand that doesn’t add up so this channel is making a great amount off of this niche and they are getting solid views and you can see why these videos are very clicky, Day In The Billionaire Life of Warren Buffet, 10 Easy Ways To Become Rich With Real Estate, 8 Small Business Ideas ANY Teen Can Start Today in 2021, videos like these are clicky videos. they want people to click on these and you know as simple as they are put together, this is something you can take advantage of on your channel.

3. Build Empire
These are mainly motivational videos, billionaire luxury lifestyle billionaire luxury, they’re all the same, Build Empire as been making this type of HIGH CPM YouTube Cash Cow videos, they’re just different episodes, every one of these videos is the same exact title, almost the same thumbnail, what do they do well it’s consistent.
I would guarantee you all these are the same, right. all these videos are going to be the exact same for the most part, the most-watched video on this channel has generates 2 million views as you can see in the screenshot below.

So I mean all it takes is a couple of those types of videos to build the channel, the struggle to becoming a billionaire like pitbull from the bottom to millions and then they start this luxury lifestyle series. This channel does a great episode or I should say they do a great job of the recurring, getting you back right you come and you watch episode 28, you’re coming back for 29. you like 29 you’re subscribing to the channel and you’re coming back for episode 30.
Their strategy is off the hook and the channel is making up to 60 000 a year on build empire only a 118K subscribers channel with 6 million views in total, this channel is just 2 years old and you can see from SocialBlade analysis, this build empire channel is generating over 60,000 dollars yearly.
Build Empire SocialBlade Analysis

I think that’s even selling it short based on the activity on this channel they are coming out with three to five videos they get 40,000 plus views every month in a high cpm niche, channel right is cashing in and these are perfect three examples of cash cow channels that you yourself can piece together and start getting videos underway all for free before you ever have to outsource a thing.
You can make sure of Fiverr if you would like to outsource some service, I understand the fact that there are many things you need to take care of when you want to create a quality video, I have discussed in the post how to hire people to work with you on your YouTube Business.
It is so easy to make all these types of videos, if you need help finding footage audio clips uh voice-overs anything like that you can make use of Fiverr Platform. You would be able to connect with Freelancers that deal with cash cow youtube channels.
I would really suggest this is a niche that is so easy to get into, look at the stock footage that they’re using, super stock pools just luxury life which is very easy to find and you will be able to replicate them on your own channel very easily.